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You may include your in-class presentation slides as part of your writeup, but this should not be the entire writeup, since much of your presentation's information is not on your slides, and will come from what you say.
You may include your in-class presentation slides as part of your writeup, but this should not be the entire writeup, since much of your presentation's information is not on your slides, and will come from what you say.

Projects at the minimum should contain the following:
Check the [[Project Organization]] page for more detail on the organization.
Introduction Motivate the problem. Describe what has been done in the past.
What is the problem? What have people tried?
Methods Describe techniques used to measure data and/or source code algorithms.
Measure something? How? Develop code? What utilities/algorithms did you use?
Results Show relevant graphs and/or images. Explain them
Conclusions Describe what you learned.
What worked? What didn't? Why? What should someone next year try?
References List all references. Include links if papers where found online.
Appendix I Link in all source code, test images, etc, and give a description of each link.
In some cases, your acquired data may be too large to store practically. In this case, use your judgement (or consult one of us) and only link the most relevant data.
Appendix II
(for groups only) Work breakdown. Explain how the project work was divided among group members.

== Project Archives ==
== Project Archives ==

Revision as of 16:24, 22 November 2009

This wiki houses projects, links, and other information regarding two courses. The main course pages (including readings, syllabus and so forth) are on the Courseworks site at:

For research and software tools information please consult VISTALAB wiki.

Psych 204 (Human Neuroimaging Methods)


Project Suggestions

Visit the project suggestions page (Psych 204) to see some of our ideas for you.

You are welcome to suggest a project. We encourage students who are working on neuroimaging to choose a project that advances their ongoing research.

The criteria for designing a good project are

  • Choose a clear question you would like to answer or at least explore
  • Build on the concepts taught in the class
  • Follow the write-up guidelines below
  • Plan for a brief (15-20 minute) project presentation in the last week of class
  • You can work alone or in a small group

Write-up Guidelines (Templates)


The purpose of the project is to allow you to analyze an idea about image systems engineering. We hope you will design a project that enables you to make measurements, model or perform computational experiments that explore the idea in some depth.

The purpose of the wiki page write up is share your explorations with others. The target audience is a student who will be taking the class next year. But when preparing this material, please remember that over the years many people read these course project pages.


Your project write-up should be organized into sections like a research paper. The write-up should include experimental data, analyses and conclusions.

Class Presentation

In addition to the wiki page, you will be asked to make a brief class presentation (last week of class). As you make your class presentation, we will offer you feedback. Please use that feedback to clarify and improve your project write-up on the wiki. The completed wiki page should be done by XXXX

You may include your in-class presentation slides as part of your writeup, but this should not be the entire writeup. We expect that much of your presentation's information will not be on your slides but rather will be in the wiki and your talk.

Creating A Project Wiki

There should be a link in here to say (a) how to add a page for your project, (b) how to upload files and images, and (c) how to create new pages within your project.

Naming convention for a student's project should be YEAR-NAME-Intro, YEAR-NAME-Methods, YEAR-NAME- ....

2009 Project Template

Project archives

Psych 204 - Project Archives 2009

Psych 221 (Applied Vision and Image Systems Engineering)


Project Suggestions

Visit the project suggestions page (Psych 221) to see our suggestions for this year.

You are welcome to suggest a project. We encourage students who are working on neuroimaging to choose a project that advances their ongoing research.

The criteria for designing a good project are

  • Choose a clear question you would like to answer or at least explore
  • Build on the concepts taught in the class
  • Follow the write-up guidelines below
  • Plan for a brief (15-20 minute) project presentation in the last week of class
  • You can work alone or in a small group

Write-up Guidelines (Templates)

The purpose of the writeup is to document the methods, results, and conclusions of your class project.

If your project involved writing any non-trivial source code or processing scripts, you should make this available. Be sure to describe the purpose of your code and if possible, edit the code for clarity. The purpose of placing the code online is to allow others to verify your methods and to learn from your ideas.

You may include your in-class presentation slides as part of your writeup, but this should not be the entire writeup, since much of your presentation's information is not on your slides, and will come from what you say.

Check the Project Organization page for more detail on the organization.

Project Archives

There is an archive for SCIEN-related courses on the SCIEN machine in Electrical Engineering. The archive contains projects from several different classes (EE 398A/B, EE 368, EE392J) and more than a decade of projects from Psych 221 (also known as EE 362).

Links to Psych 221 projects from the last few years are listed below.

Administering This Site (CAs)

How students get their accounts and passwords - we assign them in class.

How we remove accounts at the end of the time - we delete them after class is over. The wiki pages stay up, though.

Who does the site backup? Some combination of martin, michael, bob?

Who has Bureaucrat/Sysop status on this page? Brian, Jon, Bob