MATLAB script for the first approach
clear all format long g %set directory for the two subjects to be compared if ispc
subjADir='Y:\New_Localizers\dr021108-1p5mm-3mm'; subjBDir='Y:\New_Localizers\kw011708-1p5mm-3mm';
else % subjADir='/biac2/kgs/projects/New_Localizers/dr021108-1p5mm-3mm'; % % subjBDir='/biac2/kgs/projects/New_Localizers/kw011708-1p5mm-3mm'; % subjBDir='/biac2/kgs/projects/New_Localizers/kgs020408-1p5mm-3mm'; %
home = '/biac2/kgs/projects/SameDifferent/'
% subjADir='/biac2/kgs/projects/Prosopagnosia/fMRIData/112909whFMRI'; % subjBDir='/biac2/kgs/projects/Prosopagnosia/fMRIData/52309AF'; % subjADir = '/biac2/kgs/projects/Kids/fmri/localizer/adult_al_22yo_051108'; % subjBDir ='/biac2/kgs/projects/Kids/fmri/localizer/adult_jc_27yo_052408'; subjADir ='/biac2/kgs/projects/Kids/fmri/localizer/adult_kw_25yo_090308';
subjBDir = '/biac2/kgs/projects/Kids/fmri/localizer/adult_dy_25yo_041908';
% %choose an ROI in subject A % roiA='lh_LOfaces_event_loc'; % roiA='lh_PPA_event';
% roiA='lPPA'; % roiA='rSTSfaces';
% get all the ROIs from subject A % cd(subjADir); % cd Inplane/ROIs
%finds all the file names and chops off the .mat
% rois=dir('*.mat'); % for i=1:size(rois,1) % roisA(i) = cellstr(strrep(rois(i).name,'.mat',)); % end
% golijeh kid data rois roisA={'lFFA_MBvAC_p3','rFFA_MBvAC_p3','lLO_ACvT_p3','rLO_ACvT_p3','lMT_p4_al', 'rMT_p4_al',...
% ,'lSTS_MBvAC_p3', 'rSTS_MBvAC_p3' %load ROIs from subject B % roiB={'lFFA','lPPA','rPPA','pSTSfaces'};
% get all the ROIs from subject A % cd(subjBDir); % cd Inplane/ROIs
%finds all the file names and chops off the .mat
% rois=dir('*.mat'); % for i=1:size(rois,1) % roisB(i) = cellstr(strrep(rois(i).name,'.mat',)); % end
% golijeh kid data rois roisB={'lFFA_MBvAC_p3','rFFA_MBvAC_p3','lLO_ACvT_p3','rLO_ACvT_p3','lMT_p4_al','rMT_p4',...
% ,'lpSTS_MBvACIO_p3', 'rSTS_MBvAC_p3' %want to get the motion corrected data type which is usually 3 dt = 3; %'MotionComp_RefScan5'; %then pick the scans from the motion corrected data that were (in this %case) taken from the event related adaptation experiment for %dr021108-1p5mm-3mm this is scans 1:8 % for waldemar scan went % mtloc,eccbias1,eccbias2,4xretinotopy,objloc1,objloc2 % so to get our scans in order we have % scan = [8 9 1 2 3];
% golijeh kid scans scan = [1 2 3 4]; %find the betas over time for all the ROIs loaded. each voxel represented %as a vector with the B for each category/stimulus
%go to path
% .. for subject A brain'
%go to subjects data directory
%initialize our hidden inplane set to the right data type,scan, and roi
hiA = initHiddenInplane(dt, scan, roisA);
%then we grab the multivoxel data from the ROI
%this should give us mvA which is a struct with lots of useful stuff
%in particular
%mvA.trials has information about conditions and order of stimuli etc
%mvA.coord has the coordinates for each voxel in the roi should be 3 x
%mvA.tSeries has the time series for each voxel in % signal change
%mvA.roi had roi info
for i = 1:size(roisA,2)
mvA{i} = mv_init(hiA, roisA{i}, scan, dt);
% mvA{i} = mv_applyGlm(mvA{i}); end %then we apply our glm to each of the voxels in the roi %we will probably want to set these parameters ourselves so that we know %what happened %this gives us %mvA.glm has the betas, the design matrix and so on %for a block design there will be as many betas as there are conditions %for an event related design there will be timepoints x conditions x voxels %betas
% scan=[1 2 3 4 5];
% scan=[1 2];
% kevin scans scan=[1 2 3 4];
% .. for all ROIs in subj B %instead invoke hidden inplane with multiple rois. then loop through the %rois when comparing to subjectA %go to subject b directory cd(subjBDir); dt=3; %load data with all rois hiB = initHiddenInplane(dt,scan,roisB);
for i = 1:size(roisB,2);
mvB{i} = mv_init(hiB, roisB{i}, scan, dt);
% mvB{i} = mv_applyGlm(mvB{i}); end
%find the correlation coefficient between a voxel in subject A and each %voxel in each ROI in subj B
%get the number of voxels by getting the size and then the number of %columns
%trim the size of the tSeries down (if necessary) % for i = 1:nROIsInB % mvB{i}.tSeries(1249:1296,:) = []; % end
% as a figure, lets just make one plot comparing all the ROIS % size should be numROIs subjA x numROIs in subjB % each entry is the % of voxels in subjA ROI that were most highly % correlated with the ROI in subjB % make matrix
ROImix = zeros(size(mvA,2),size(mvB,2));
% for each ROI in subject A for m = 1:size(mvA,2) % for each voxel in subject A
for i = 1:size(mvA{m}.tSeries, 2) %number of voxels in ROI in A
% vector for the correlations
% for each ROI in subject B
for j = 1:size(mvB,2) %number of ROIs
% for each voxel in subject B
for k = 1:size(mvB{j}.tSeries, 2); %number of voxels in the ROI in B %get correlation between the time series of the two voxels r=corrcoef(mvA{m}.tSeries(:,i), mvB{j}.tSeries(:,k)); %records the correlations in a
% 2D matrix with each ROI's set of correlations in a row % so corrs is j rois by k voxels, where k is the largest number of voxels % in any of the rois
corrs(j,k) = r(2); %for glm betas correlation
% r=corrcoef(mvA{m}.glm.betas(:,i),mvB{j}.glm.betas(:,k)); % corrs(j,k) = r;
end end
% then for each voxel in ROIA find the maximum correlation in Brain b
maxCorr(i) = max(max(corrs)); % get the max correlation from all ROIs
% find the name of the ROI
[row,col] = find(corrs == max(max(corrs))); % finds the row that the correlation was in and then records the name from that ROI
% if there is more than one ROI with the same max correlation pick the % second.... probably doesn't happen much.
if length(row) > 1 row = row(2); end maxCorrLocnum(i)=row;
% get the name of the roi
maxCorrLoc(i) = cellstr(mvB{row}; %record from where that coef came from
% make a histogram showing how many times each roi in subject b was chosen % as a match % get names of chosen rois a=unique(maxCorrLoc); % get count of each from maxCorrLoc roipicks=[]; for i = 1:length(a) roipicks=[roipicks,size(find(strcmp(cellstr(maxCorrLoc),a(i))),2)]; end
% bar plot
% figure(gcf+1); % bar(roipicks); % set(gca,'XTickLabel',a); % Title(mvA{m};
%get a sense for the kind of correlations we are getting
% figure(gcf+1); hist(maxCorr);
% now for this ROI in A we want to get the %of times each ROI in B was
% picked
% for each ROI in subjB, find the number of times it was picked
% normalized by number of voxels in ROI from subjA
for z = 1:size(mvB,2) ROImix(m,z) = size(find(maxCorrLocnum==z),2);%/size(mvA{m}.tSeries, 2); end
% normalize ROImix
rdenom = repmat(denom,1,size(ROImix,2));
nROImix = ROImix./rdenom;
% plot figure
figure(gcf+1); imagesc(nROImix);
%set title and axis labels