Psych 221 2012 presentation schedule

From Psych 221 Image Systems Engineering
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  1. Depending on the size of your team plan for 10/15/20 minute presentations for teams consisting of 1/2/3-4 members.
  2. If you feel limited by the presentation time, select your key findings and include the reminder of the results in your write-up.
  3. Sign up for one of the three available slots, copying the template provided

Friday 16th of March

Room 417, Jordan Hall, 9 am to 12 pm

  1. 9:00 to 9:00
  2. 10:00 to 10:15
  3. 11:00 to 11:20
    • Techniques for enhancement of Hyperspectral Images
    • Evan Thomas Lee, Sabarish Sankaranarayanan, Serene Kosaraju
  4. 11:20 to 11:40
    • Photo Retouching Metric
    • Antonio Gellineau, Justin Huang, Chun-wei Lee
  5. 11:40 to 12:00

Monday 19th of March

Room 358, Jordan Hall, 9 am to 12 pm

  1. 10:40 to 10:55
  2. 11:00 to 11:10
  3. 11:15 to 11:35
  4. 11:40 to 11:50
  5. 11:50 to 12:00
  6. 12:00 to 12:10

Tuesday 20th of March

Room 358, Jordan Hall, 9 am to 12 pm

  1. 8:50 to 9:10
  2. 9:30 to 9:40
  3. 9:40 to 10:00
  4. 10:00 am to 10:20 am
  5. 10:20 am to 10:35 am
  6. 10:35 to 10:55
    • “Designing a high contrast camera based on Hypspectral Image of Pig Organ”
    • Paurakh Rajbhandary, Swadesh Choudhary, and Mike Sutton
  7. 11:00 to 11:10
  8. 11:10 to 11:20
  9. 11:25 to 11:35
  10. 11:35 to 11:45
    • “A Review of Demosaicing Algorithm Based on Frequency Selection”
    • Shuang Liu
  11. 11:45 to 12:00
  1. 12:05 to 12:15

Wednesday 21th of March

Room 358, Jordan Hall, 9:10 pm to 9:20 pm

  1. 9:10 to 9:20

Room 358, Jordan Hall, 1:30 pm to 1:40 pm

  1. 13:30 to 13:40