
From Psych 221 Image Systems Engineering
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Project template


Presentation Schedule

Tuesday, Dec 1

(Regular Classroom)

2:15: Sveinsson, Bragi

2:45: Bohannan, Blair

3:00: Lee, Eliana

Thursday, Dec 3

(Jordan Hall, room 417)

1:15: Grace & Kelly

1:40: Alina

2:05: Christine & Jessica

2:30: Jim Cummings

2:55: Eliana Lee (to finish Tuesday's presentation)

3:20: Rachel Stein

4:00: Max Halvorson

3:45: Jimmy Chion


To set up your project's page

  • log in to the wiki
  • edit this page
  • replace the next available 'YourGroupName' with your group's name(s)
  • add double brackets around the text "2009 YourName" to make this line a link
  • click save page
  • your project will now have a link: click on the link
  • you will now have a blank page for your project

To use the template page

If you are comfortable with wiki's, plunge right in and start editing your page. If you want a template to get started, do the following:

  • follow the link to the template project (WinawerDoughertyWandell above)
  • click "edit" at the top of the page
  • select and copy all text
  • go back to your page
  • click "edit" at the top of the page
  • paste in the template text
  • if you are stuck email jon winawer ( for help